Sabtu, 14 November 2009
Beberapa Tips Mencari dengan Menggunakan Mesin Pencari
Option ini digunakan untuk mencari tipe file tertentu. Contoh: filetype:xls -> untuk mencari file MS Excel filetype:doc -> untuk mencari file MS Word
Option ini digunakan untuk mencari kata tertentu yang "masuk" sebagai url. Dengan option ini Anda dapat melakukan pencarian pada pencarian folder tertentu (jika dikombinasikan dengan option "index of"). Contoh: inurl:admin -> pencarian ini menghasilkan url website yang mempunyai kata "admin"
Option ini secara spesifik digunakan untuk melakukan pencarian pada situs tertentu. Contoh: "xp style" --> mencari dengan keyword "xp style" pada situs
Option ini digunakan untuk mencari kata tertentu yang terdapat pada title dari halaman web.
Option ini digunakan untuk mengetahui situs mana saja yang nge-link ke situs tertentu. Contoh: --> mencari situs yang mempunyai link ke
Anda dapat mengkombinasikan berbagai option di atas untuk mendapatkan hasil pencarian yang lebih spesifik. Contoh: pdf "" --> untuk mencari buku atau file pdf di
+inurl:exe|rar|zip --> untuk mencari program, aplikasi di
Anda dapat mengganti menjadi untuk mencari file di MegaUpload
Cara kerja mesin pencari
Ketika seorang pengguna mengunjungi mesin pencari dan memasukkan query, biasanya dengan memasukkan kata kunci, mesin mencari indeks dan memberikan daftar halaman web yang paling sesuai dengan kriterianya, biasanya disertai ringkasan singkat mengenai judul dokumen dan terkadang sebagian teksnya.
Ada jenis mesin pencari lain: mesin pencari real-time, seperti Orase. Mesin seperti ini tidak menggunakan indeks. Informasi yang diperlukan mesin tersebut hanya dikumpulkan jika ada pencarian baru. Jika dibandingkan dengan sistem berbasis indeks yang digunakan mesin-mesin seperti Google, sistem real-time ini unggul dalam beberapa hal: informasi selalu mutakhir, (hampir) tak ada pranala mati, dan lebih sedikit sumberdaya sistem yang diperlukan. (Google menggunakan hampir 100.000 komputer, Orase hanya satu.) Tetapi, ada juga kelemahannya: pencarian lebih lama rampungnya.
Manfaat mesin pencari bergantung pada relevansi hasil-hasil yang diberikannya. Meskipun mungkin ada jutaan halaman web yang mengandung suatu kata atau frase, sebagian halaman mungkin lebih relevan, populer, atau autoritatif daripada yang lain. Kebanyakan mesin pencari menggunakan berbagai metode untuk menentukan peringkat hasil pencarian agar mampu memberikan hasil "terbaik" lebih dahulu. Cara mesin menentukan halaman mana yang paling sesuai, dan urutan halaman-halaman itu diperlihatkan, sangat bervariasi. Metode-metodenya juga berubah seiring waktu dengan berubahnya penggunaan internet dan berevolusinya teknik-teknik baru.
Sebagian besar mesin pencari web adalah usaha komersial yang didukung pemasukan iklan dan karenanya sebagian menjalankan praktik kontroversial, yaitu membolehkan pengiklan membayar agar halaman mereka diberi peringkat lebih tinggi dalam hasil pencarian.
Mesin pencari
Mesin pencari adalah program komputer yang dirancang untuk membantu seseorang menemukan file-file yang disimpan dalam komputer, misalnya dalam sebuah server umum di web (WWW) atau dalam komputer sendiri. Mesin pencari memungkinkan kita untuk meminta content media dengan kriteria yang spesifik (biasanya yang berisi kata atau frasa yang kita tentukan) dan memperoleh daftar file yang memenuhi kriteria tersebut. Mesin pencari biasanya menggunakan indeks (yang sudah dibuat sebelumnya dan dimutakhirkan secara teratur) untuk mencari file setelah pengguna memasukkan kriteria pencarian.
Dalam konteks Internet, mesin pencari biasanya merujuk kepada WWW dan bukan protokol ataupun area lainnya. Selain itu, mesin pencari mengumpulkan data yang tersedia di newsgroup, database besar, atau direktori terbuka seperti Karena pengumpulan datanya dilakukan secara otomatis, mesin pencari berbeda dengan direktori Web yang dikerjakan manusia.
Sebagian besar mesin pencari dijalankan oleh perusahaan swasta yang menggunakan algoritma kepemilikan dan database tertutup - yang paling populer adalah Google (MSN Search dan Yahoo! tertinggal sedikit di belakang). Telah ada beberapa upaya menciptakan mesin pencari dengan sumber-terbuka (open-source), contohnya adalah Htdig, Nutch, Egothor dan OpenFTS. [1]
Jumat, 06 November 2009
10 Aturan Memberikan Komentar pada Blog
Berikut adalah 10 Aturan Memberikan Komentar pada Blog:
1. Baca sebelum menulis – Sebelum menulis komentar, yakinkan kalau kita telah membaca dan mengerti postingan. Mengirim komentar dengan cepat yang tidak berhubungan dengan posting tidak akan memberikan blog kita beberapa pengunjung baru. Ulangi membaca komentar kita sebelum disubmit.
2. Sopan – Tata krama yang baik adalah hal penting ketika memberikan komentar pada blog lain. Kita tidak akan pergi ke rumah orang lain dan berperilaku tidak pantas kan? Sama halnya dengan blog. Hanyak karena kita tidak saling bertatap muka tidak berarti kita bisa bertingkah laku seperti idiot. Jika kita sopan, itu akan memudahkan kita di dalam membuat persahabatan baru dengan blogger lain.
3. Senyum – Emoticon bagus ditambahkan dalam memberikan komentar. Sebuah senyuman dapat membuat perbedaan besar. Bila memberikan pujian kepada penulis, senyumlah. Bila menyuarakan pendapat berbeda, senyumlah. Sebuah senyuman dapat mengeluarkan getaran persahabatan. Percayalah! :grin:
4. Kontribusi – Sebanyak mungkin, cobalah untuk meninggalkan komentar yang menambah nilai pada diskusi. Komentar seperti, “Saya juga!”, atau “Wow nice!” sering menyebabkan kerutan pada dahi dan menunjukkan bahwa pendapat kita tidak layak dibaca. Secara pribadi, aku tidak mempermasalahkan komentar seperti ini, tapi untuk blog lain, lebih baik untuk meninggalkan komentar yang mempunyai “nilai”.
5. Jangan rendah diri – Ketika melihat kesalahan pada sebuah postingan, atau tidak setuju dengan pendapat penulis, lakukan dengan cara yang baik. Kita bisa saja menjadi orang paling pintar sedunia namun jangan menyebabkan gesekan pada orang lain. Suarakan pendapat kita dengan cara yang bersahabat dan kita akan mendapat teman baru. Ingat, yang benar-benar baik tidak harus membual.
6. Ketika ragu, tanyalah – Ketika kita membaca sebuah posting yang kita sangat ingin berkomentar namun tidak bisa karena kita tidak mengerti benar, lakukan dan bertanyalah untuk klarifikasi. Kebanyakan penulis akan senang menguraikan secara terperinci pada postingan mereka. Kebanyakan penulis blog akan menghargai ketika pembaca mereka menunjukkan ketertarikan pada artikel dengan bertanya.
7. Buatlah kesan yang baik – Berkomentar pada blog lain adalah cara lain untuk memasarkan diri dan blog kita. Apabila kebanyakan komentar kita secara jelas adalah komentar hit and run untuk mendapatkan backlinks atau masuk ke dalam daftar “Top Komentator”, kita tidak sedang menggambarkan diri kita dengan baik. Menulis komentar yang berarti dan merespon pada komentar lain adalah cara yang bagus untuk meninggalkan kesan yang baik pada penulis blog dan pembacanya.
8. Jangan nyolot – Bila kita merasa perlu berkomentar pada sebuah postingan yang tidak kita suka atau pada sebuah artikel yang tidak kita setujui, jangan memulai dengan nyolot (flame-red). Hinaan, saling mengatai dan komentar yang sarkastik tidak akan memberi kita pembaca baru atau teman. Bila kita tidak dapat membantu namun merasa berlawanan dengan penulis, jangan membuang-buang waktu dan energi. Just leave. Ada ribuan blog yang dapat kita kunjungi.
9. Humor – Setiap orang suka tertawa yang sehat. Cobalah memasukan sedikit humor pada komentar kita. Bila kita dapat membuat penulis dan pemberi komentar yang lain tertawa, ada kemungkinan besar mereka akan berkunjung ke blog kita dan menjadi pembaca yang setia.
10. Kembalilah – Bila sudah selesai dengan semua hal di atas. Selanjutnya apa? Kita harus mencoba kembali pada blog yang kita kunjungi untuk berkontribusi. Itu cara terbaik untuk “meninggalkan jejak”. Kebanyakan penulis blog akan mengingat mereka yang secara reguler meninggalkan komentar dan biasanya menjadi pemberi komentar yang reguler juga pada blog orang tersebut.
Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009
Technorati merupakan salah satu directory blog yang cukup populer, Sampai saat ini technorati masih menjadi favorite para blogger jadi tidak ada salahnya jika kita mendaftarkan kelayanan ini. Keuntungan dari layanan ini yaitu selain blog kita akan dikenal luas sekaligus meningkatkan trafik pada blog kita
Technorati merupakan salah satu webmaster yang sangat berpengaruh untuk peningkatan page rank pada blog maupun situs yang anda miliki dan tentu saja traffic yang tinggi
Minggu, 25 Oktober 2009
Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009
Budaya populer
Jenis Blog
- Blog politik: Tentang berita, politik, aktivis, dan semua persoalan berbasis blog (Seperti kampanye).
- Blog pribadi: Disebut juga buku harian online yang berisikan tentang pengalaman keseharian seseorang, keluhan, puisi atau syair, gagasan jahat, dan perbincangan teman.
- Blog bertopik: Blog yang membahas tentang sesuatu, dan fokus pada bahasan tertentu
- Blog kesehatan: Lebih spesifik tentang kesehatan. Blog kesehatan kebanyakan berisi tentang keluhan pasien, berita kesehatan terbaru, keterangan-ketarangan tentang kesehatan, dll.
- Blog sastra: Lebih dikenal sebagai litblog (Literary blog).
- Blog perjalanan: Fokus pada bahasan cerita perjalanan yang menceritakan keterangan-keterangan tentang perjalanan/traveling.
- Blog riset: Persoalan tentang akademis seperti berita riset terbaru.
- Blog hukum: Persoalan tentang hukum atau urusan hukum; disebut juga dengan blawgs (Blog Laws).
- Blog media: Berfokus pada bahasan kebohongan atau ketidakkonsistensi media massa; biasanya hanya untuk koran atau jaringan televisi
- Blog agama: Membahas tentang agama
- Blog pendidikan: Biasanya ditulis oleh pelajar atau guru.
- Blog kebersamaan: Topik lebih spesifik ditulis oleh kelompok tertentu.
- Blog petunjuk (directory): Berisi ratusan link halaman website.
- Blog bisnis: Digunakan oleh pegawai atau wirausahawan untuk kegiatan promosi bisnis mereka
- Blog pengejawantahan: Fokus tentang objek diluar manusia; seperti anjing
- Blog pengganggu (spam): Digunakan untuk promosi bisnis affiliate; juga dikenal sebagai splogs (Spam Blog)
Komunitas Blogger
Komunitas blogger adalah sebuah ikatan yang terbentuk dari para blogger berdasarkan kesamaan-kesamaan tertentu, seperti kesamaan asal daerah, kesamaan kampus, kesamaan hobi, dan sebagainya. Para blogger yang tergabung dalam komunitas-komunitas blogger tersebut biasanya sering mengadakan kegiatan-kegiatan bersama-sama seperti kopi darat.
Untuk bisa bergabung di komunitas blogger, biasanya ada semacam syarat atau aturan yang harus dipenuhi untuk bisa masuk di komunitas tersebut, misalkan berasal dari daerah tertentu.
Beberapa jenis komunitas blogger adalah Komunitas Blogger Daerah, yaitu Komunitas Blogger berdasarkan kedaerahan atau wilayah tertentu, Komunitas Blogger Non-Daerah, yang biasanya terbentuk karena kesamaan hobi atau yang lainnya, dan Komunitas Blogger Kampus.
Sejarah Blog
Media blog pertama kali dipopulerkan oleh, yang dimiliki oleh PyraLab sebelum akhirnya PyraLab diakuisi oleh Google.Com pada akhir tahun 2002 yang lalu. Semenjak itu, banyak terdapat aplikasi-aplikasi yang bersifat sumber terbuka yang diperuntukkan kepada perkembangan para penulis blog tersebut.
Blog mempunyai fungsi yang sangat beragam, dari sebuah catatan harian, media publikasi dalam sebuah kampanye politik, sampai dengan program-program media dan perusahaan-perusahaan. Sebagian blog dipelihara oleh seorang penulis tunggal, sementara sebagian lainnya oleh beberapa penulis, . Banyak juga weblog yang memiliki fasilitas interaksi dengan para pengunjungnya, seperti menggunakan buku tamu dan kolom komentar yang dapat memperkenankan para pengunjungnya untuk meninggalkan komentar atas isi dari tulisan yang dipublikasikan, namun demikian ada juga yang yang sebaliknya atau yang bersifat non-interaktif.
Situs-situs web yang saling berkaitan berkat weblog, atau secara total merupakan kumpulan weblog sering disebut sebagai blogosphere. Bilamana sebuah kumpulan gelombang aktivitas, informasi dan opini yang sangat besar berulang kali muncul untuk beberapa subyek atau sangat kontroversial terjadi dalam blogosphere, maka hal itu sering disebut sebagai blogstorm atau badai blog.
Kamis, 16 Juli 2009
Career in Internet Marketing
Also, those aspiring for Internet marketing jobs have to be passionate about technology and keep themselves abreast with the latest tech advancements in the field. Thus, the basic skills that you require for an Internet marketing job are: thorough knowledge of the Internet space, a technical bend of mind, knowledge of marketing basics and loads of creativity. Since Internet domain is fast developing and the competition is also rising increasingly, one has to be on one’s feet all the time to be successful in this domain. Since Internet is a very powerful medium of communication, it needs an especially designed strategy to sell ideas to people.
Since Internet is a democratic domain, it rewards those who have done enough to ensure that apart from the worth of the product or service offered, the site is seen and marketed well to the users in this domain. The Internet audience is not bound by time or location. It was a world-wide audience. So, Internet Marketing requires talking to your customer wherever he/she may be. Once the traffic to the site builds up, it features prominently on the search pages and that is from where more traffic comes. Also, banner advertising on various other sites is on way of Internet Marketing. Then, there are text ads that are run on various sites. There are ad networks that handle such advertisements and place the ads on selected relevant locations. There is a whole industry dedicated to carry out and think of creative and innovative ways to promote things on the Internet. Even offline products are promoted online.
To get a job in Internet Marketing, one doesn’t really require a formal degree. MBAs, engineers, math graduates, and many others can do it equally well with practice. It pays to be creative and quick in this domain. The field is relatively new and is ever changing. Thus, there is scope of a lot of innovations and taking it to the next level. There area certain set practices following which one can enter the industry and once the nuances are learnt, one can look at any revolutionary idea.
There are basically three types of websites that carry out businesses on the internet. Firstly, there are customer to customer websites that enable communication of the consumers. They allow users to interact with each other and then benefit from their experiences for various pursuits. These would include networking sites, matrimonial sites etc. Then there are business to business websites where businesses link up with each other. This is primarily done for transactions and buying and selling of products and services. Then, there are business to customer websites where consumers of the products or the services being provided can directly come to the site. Internet marketing is the most efficient for such sites.
For a person in the Internet Marketing space, it is important to have a deep and clear understanding of all the types of sites and the mentality of the users coming to those sites. It is only when one understands the relevant audience that one can market any thing to them. They have to be spoken to in their language. Of course, creativity is important but it should not be ambiguous. Since the attention space of the Internet users is very less, it is better to keep the communication direct and crisp. Then, ranking up in the search engines is one sure way of targeting the relevant audience and getting the right traffic to the site. There are various practices to achieve this and these practices are an imminent part of successful Internet Marketing. Any product or service on offer should very clearly be able to state its advantages to the users and make them come to the site that is being marketed.
Most companies in the internet space do a lot of spending on Internet marketing and there are various job opportunities in such companies. Other than that, even offline companies hire agencies to do Internet marketing for them. These agencies also have good jobs on offer. One looking to pursue a career in this field can look at starting his/her career from either of these and then go on to learn and carve a successful career here.
by: Sugiex
Internet Marketing is Business, not Just Search Engine Algorithms
What is really bizarre though is that while the optimisation industry doesn’t see the value in some less search engine focused marketing techniques, they will pay a veritable fortune for paid links. The likes of ReviewMe ( change up to $250 for a single “review” (which is SEO speak for a plain text link not so subtly hidden in a purpose written article). One text link. One! Not just that, but a single text link on a new page that has no PR (and will maybe only will ever receive minimal PR filtered through from other page links)!
For that $250 (around £150) there are so many different options you could aim for. While a lot won’t have any direct SEO benefit, we still need to consider traffic and branding benefits.
$250 would allow me to buy banner advertising on a niche site / forum / blog for a limited amount of time. Depending on the type of site and its subject area you could be looking at a decent amount of traffic, enquiries and exposure – certainly enough to justify the cost.
An alternative would be to spend the money on a directory listing on a site such as TheBestOf ( - £10 per month for a year and you get a full page listing (written by your local contact), an audio advert where you can pitch your service, inclusion in a high traffic site and a direct (SEO friendly!) link back to your site. A link AND qualified traffic – that’s like SEO Christmas!
Online marketing professionals do focus on SEO a lot and that isn’t a bad thing – it just isn’t the only thing and you should be looking to spend your budget wisely and spread your marketing scope.
by: Marketing Guy
Rabu, 15 Juli 2009
Money Making Online - Is It Possible?
Money making online - In today's troubled world of money matters(economy) with everyone getting laid off, employment at it's highest level since I don't remember when. Maybe since the big depression. We all have families and love ones that we have to take care of and care for, but even with the problems we're facing The one thing remains the same..
That is, This is america "land of opportunity" so in reality there is hope..I don't know about you, but with all that money that we printed off for the car makers and everyone else, It seen like they forgot the little-man (Me & You).. In my case I didn't get my stimulus package..Did you? I didn't think so..
Discover Money Making Online Click Here!
money making online is an option, and a good one! This is because it is unlimited to what you can do or come up with. The best part, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to do it.. The easiest way is to be the middle man. What I mean is, affiliate marking. Is all you have to do is find a product or service that someone is trying to sell sign up and start promoting it. But sometimes that is easier said then done.
That's why it's important to pick the right ones. All thought there are millions of people on the Internet now. There are millions more starting on the Internet everyday. It's a fresh supply all the time... Things are in high demand everyday! Your just the one to start getting in on this action, and claim your share with little or no experience necessary.
Create your own stimulus package! Work for yourself, Work when you want, Spend more time with family, buy things you've wanted. Make the difference today! No need to put it off any longer.. Yes is possible to start money making online now! Fast, Easy, Simple especailly since all you need is a Internet connection !
by: Steven
Easy Money Making Ideas
The thing to remember when trying to earn easy money online is that although it may sound easy you have to be realistic if you think you will actually do the work. There are numerous opportunities that you can pay money for but if you do not like the actual work you might not get your money back.
Easy money making ideas are a dime a dozen but there is still one thing that rings true when trying to make money online; hard work. There is some sort of stigma out there right now that most people think that they will earn thousands of dollars online without lifting a finger. Unfortunately if you are a person that believes this then you will not be making money online or in life in general. When you are first starting out you will probably have to spend some of your own money and spend some of your leisure time to make money. It is probably even safe to say that you might have to work harder than you have ever before to make it.
Now although this sounds depressing there is still a light at the end of the tunnel. You can seriously make money when thinking about easy money making ideas. The problem with most easy money making ideas though is that they just don't seem to give you a straight direction for what you need to do. The main problem with people today is that we need to be told a direction that we need to take. A person could simply give you several hundred easy money making ideas and you probably will never try one of them out, which is just our nature.
If you are serious about making a decent living working online or even just want some extra money to pay the bills then you need to look at the MaxPro System. If you are serious about making money online and want to learn a real way to make money on the internet that really works that has a direct step by step plan then this is for you.
If you are the person willing to spend a little to make decent amounts of money then this opportunity is for you. Don't be satisfied with your daily grind and start yourself on your way to financial freedom.
by: David Bergley
Selasa, 14 Juli 2009
Internet Marketing Makes a Home Business Work
Presently, internet marketing is transforming into a wider mix of elements a firm can utilize as a means of raising sales, even of their business is done solely online, partly online or offline. The choice of employing Internet marketing as part of a firm's marketing strategy is purely up to the company, however, as a policy, for more details visit to Internet marketing is developing as a progressively part of every firm's marketing mix. For some Internet businesses, it is the only type of marketing being exercised.
The above objectives can be materialized through online promotion that includes press release, posting an attractive story about the company, its people, its website or its products and services with online wire services, for more details visit to blogs or forums, which can be a medium for placing comments, opinions or notices about their company. This activity is called blog marketing that can be done in blogs or by hosting a blog website or through placing comments and the URL of other related blog websites about the products and services.
How can internet marketing make a home business work? All the elements of Internet marketing, the future clients and consumers is the target of the website. As a matter of fact, not having a website could raise the doubt of the future clients to a company. The use of Internet is very persistent today, many future clients might easily select to do business transactions with a firm that they get updated information anytime of the day. All kinds of businesses even the local shoe store and restaurant can easily capture local and international clients from having their website. These firms whose clients are not limited to a geographical location are possible to have a hard time in looking for an alternative method of motivating consumers that provides the most reasonable low investment and global web presence.
The practical feature of most home businesses and websites can definitely offer advantages to a home business owner. Generally speaking, home businesses does not have a physical area, websites provide a cheap means for future clients to get to know what a firm do or what products and services that a firm can offer. Websites can also provide "storefront" for marketing products and service directly to their clients. The Internet has a great influence to the success of the home businesses by giving them the opportunity to start a cheap website and maintain their existence by Internet marketing.
By:Bhanu Pratap singh
Online Marketing Strategy for Local Businesses
It is always a challenging task to market a small business. You have to compete with larger companies, companies who have been in the business for many years, and with other people who will do anything to obtain a client’s business. You need to stand apart from the others, demonstrate what your business can offer clients, and how you are different. Serving locally can be your advantage over these large companies that serve globally.
Management of a small business is difficult, as it largely depends on a shoestring budget. You don’t have a lot of money to spend, but you want your business to be a success. Also, professional practices and small businesses are based on the support of the local community. You need to serve local customers and have them use your services. However, proper use of local business directory resources on the Internet can pave the way for better and higher search engine rankings while providing support from the local community and potential customers. And this form of marketing is easily done on a small budget. Add your business to local business directories and start to serve the local clients while working on high search engine rankings that will help you serve outside your community soon.
One method to improve search engine rankings is article promotion. Articles containing the best local advertising tips meant for local businesses are different from web sites created for general business information. In these articles you can add active links to your website. It is best to have two separate links: one geared towards locality and the other for general business. The idea is to maximize business by driving significant traffic towards a web site. Only effective marketing leads generation can be the answer for a successful local business.
Web sites targeting local businesses should be search engine optimization (SEO) friendly. As a form of local advertising, search engine marketing is a gold mine for running locally operated businesses successfully. The technology is not complicated. Web sites offering competitive online solutions for marketing problems can enhance the profit margins of a local business by targeting the local population with local business categories. Best of all, you will be reaching the clients you want to reach – the ones who will use your services, who live within your community, and who will become your long term customers. By going local, you are maximizing opportunities in the area you want to target – right in your own backyard, so to speak.
by: Henal Patel
Internet Marketing: Promoting Your Local Business
Even if you do not have a web site you can still promote your local business online. For example, you can list you business and contact information with the local search engines of Yahoo and Google. For more detail go It takes an hour at the most to get a free listing on the two most popular search engines. Your listing will include an interactive map that can direct customer’s right to your front door.
And don't overlook regional and industry specific directories. Many accept free listings, or charge a nominal fee. Once again, for most a web site is not a prerequisite.
If you do have a web site, than you need to promote your local business through Pay Per Click on both Google and Yahoo. With Pay Per Advertising you bid on keyword terms that your potential customers would use in a search. For more help visit to: .An example is "Tacoma Wedding Photographer." The cost per click depends on how competitive the term is. You only pay if a prospect clicks on your text ad and goes to your site. This is referred to as performance advertising, where you only pay if the ad performs.
The appeal of PPC is you can get it going within an hour. You set the budget, you determine what keywords are relevant, and you determine your price per click. You can also turn it on or off in an instance. The general consensus is that PPC generates a higher return on your investment over traditional offline advertising.
For those that like a challenge there is search engine optimization. SEO is the ability to optimize your web site for high search ranking. If you can optimize your site properly, you can benefit from an endless stream of free, targeted search engine traffic. It takes time and effort, but the results can take your business to a whole new level.
Another tremendous marketing tool is email. For virtually nothing you can communicate with both prospects and your existing customers. Email is an excellent method to convert prospects to customers. It can also significantly increase the lifetime value of your existing customers by simply alerting them to upcoming sales and promotions.
Knowing the power of email communication, I find it hard to believe how few use it to promote their local business. Now listen up, start collecting your customer's email addresses today. I can guarantee they will respond favorably to joining your list. We all like to be informed on bargains and special offers.
The future of your local business will depend on the Internet. It is estimated 25% of searches online are local in nature. The Internet is the perfect resource for finding local products and services, which is why your customers are searching online. Now is the time to get your business positioned to reap the rewards?
By Rajoo
4 Benefits of a Blogger
1. Easily managed. Weblogs can be easily managed by blog owners. Bloggers can update their blogs more often by updating profiles, posting articles and blog posts, and designing blog sites with interesting themes. Moreover, a blogger can conveniently manage other bloggers’ comments on blog posts. A blogger can also respond and even leave comments on other weblogs.
2. Information Exchange. A blogger can share insights with other bloggers by posting articles, reading blog posts, and commenting on blogs. Bloggers can share ideas and insights by providing tips in business marketing, design, photography, self-improvement and other fields of interests. An online printer like UPrinting for example, can learn about some printing tips and design tips for different printed products through blogs. These are some of the many benefits a blog can give to individuals and companies.
3. Website Traffic. For any business or individual who wants to gain traffic for a website, weblogs can be created to attract more Internet users. A creative and well-designed blog, along with valuable photos and contents, can attract more visitors. Once an online reader stumbled upon a blog, the Internet user can be redirected to another site by clicking the links introduced on that particular weblog.
4. Positive Connections. Bloggers can build positive connections with a wide variety of Internet users. A blogger can be connected to entrepreneurs, artists, professors, writers, and other professional individuals who have created weblogs.
A blogger can benefit a lot from creating a weblog. Aside from gaining more traffic to a particular website, more insights can be learned and shared through blogs. A blogger can be connected to a wide variety of Internet users, and can build mutual and beneficial relationship with them.
by: Kat Nocom
Minggu, 05 Juli 2009
20 sign of true love
2) Your body melts when you are in their arms
3) They are the only one that you want to be with
4) No one else is even worth looking at
5) You would walk 3 miles in the snow just to see them
6) You will do everything in your power to make them happy
7) When someone asks for your number, you say "you can call my boy/girl friend and get it from
8. Cool When every romantic thing makes you think of them
9) When you cry when you won't see each other for a while
10) You go to sleep thinking about them
11) You wake up thinking about them
12) You want to spend every moment with them
13) You don't mind if all they want to do is cuddle
14) Silence doesn't bother you
15) They are not only your lover, but also your best friend
16) You can tell them anything
17) You can go to the movies and actually WATCH the movie
18 Cool They are always there for you
19) They are there when times are rough
20) When you say, "I LOVE YOU" and mean it...
sumber : internet